Organic Time
Bolas brancas de snooker (amarelecidas pelo tempo)
White snooker balls turned yellowish by time.
135cmx7cm, 2013
Playing with Time
840 cubos de giz azul para bilhar e snooker
840 snooker blue chalk cubes.
70cmx70cm, 2013
Pedra de Toque
Fotografias de bolas de matraquilhos usadas,
Dimensões variáveis
Photos of old used balls played with in different Fuzz ball tables,
Variable dimensions, 2014
Organic Time
Bolas brancas de snooker (amarelecidas pelo tempo)
White snooker balls turned yellowish by time.
135cmx7cm, 2013
Playing with Time
840 cubos de giz azul para bilhar e snooker
840 snooker blue chalk cubes.
70cmx70cm, 2013
Pedra de Toque
Fotografias de bolas de matraquilhos usadas,
Dimensões variáveis
Photos of old used balls played with in different Fuzz ball tables,
Variable dimensions, 2014